Monday, December 20, 2010

fashion tip

The fashion tip is, be yourself!

My Designs

These are my designs, take a look at them.
Here is my first one.

Here is my second.
Here is my third.

Thank you for looking at my designs.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


If you get a pet here is a tip. It is hard when you get a dog . You want to know why? Because you have to feed them for breakfast and dinner. And you have to groom them. You have to potty train them and you have to train them where to go potty. You have to play with them if you play  with a ball then you can give them exercise. You have to give them a  bath and i can tell you something about this, do not fill the bathtub like you do let the water leak through the drain. and you have to walk them. dogs are all different sizes make sure you pick the one you want.