Tuesday, November 30, 2010


If you get a pet here is a tip. It is hard when you get a dog . You want to know why? Because you have to feed them for breakfast and dinner. And you have to groom them. You have to potty train them and you have to train them where to go potty. You have to play with them if you play  with a ball then you can give them exercise. You have to give them a  bath and i can tell you something about this, do not fill the bathtub like you do let the water leak through the drain. and you have to walk them. dogs are all different sizes make sure you pick the one you want.


  1. What an interesting blog. I think it is very important that people understand the responsibility required to care for a dog. Very good job.



  2. This is great advice Princess! Our puppies are so lucky to have you to love them.

    Love you Princess!

  3. Hello Princess... from Sheila in Ohio! It's freezing cold here today so it's very nice that I've found a new blog to read... and stay inside where it's warm!

    Great post on having a dog! Dogs are SO much work! Great bathing advice too! I have two dogs. One is a Saint Bernard. Imagine giving THAT one a bath! lol!

    Congrats on your new blog!

  4. What a fun new blog! I'm your newest follower and I agree, dogs are a lot of work. We have a new puppy in our house and boy is he a chewer! Just yesterday he destroyed 2 pairs of underwear. *giggle*

    Good luck with your new blog!
    ~Aliceson from Wisconsin

  5. Hi Princess, Its Jen from Florida!! Thanks for the tips, I have been thinking about getting a dog and this is really helpful!
    Love to everyone!

  6. Hi there Princess, this is Cate from New Zealand. We have two cats who run our household, but we sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a dog. Thanks for the interesting tips (and tell mum I said hi!)


  7. Thank you for sharing such interesting facts and advice about owning a dog. My kids would like to have a dog. I think your post will give them some good information.

    - Mrs. Mueller (aka Deborah) :)

  8. Princess,
    what a wonderful idea for you to have a blog. I can't wait to see what else you will write here. You are an awesome person!!
    Love you lots, Ute

  9. This is really helpful information for anyone considering getting a dog.

    I really like the fish in your sidebar, too! :)

    Looking forward to more posts from you,

  10. Princess wants everyone to know that if you click on the fish screen in the sidebar something will happen!

  11. What wonderful advice! Thank you for sharing this, Princess!

  12. Thank you for this great advice! I'm taking care of my friend's dog over the holidays and this comes in handy. :D
